Denise von femSense

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Recent activity by Denise von femSense Recent activity Votes
  • Where can I buy STEADYTEMP®?

    In Austria and Germany you can buy STEADYTEMP® in different online stores: STEADYTEMP® online store BIPA DocCheck Austrian Red Cross Praxisdienst Please note the shipping and delivery conditions ...

  • What is the STEADYTEMP® app?

    The STEADYTEMP® app is a health journal. With it you can track various symptoms, pain, medications, etc. (read more here). In combination with the STEADYTEMP Patch, a clinical thermometer built int...

  • I have a problem with the app/ patch, what can I do?

    If you are having difficulty reading the patch with your phone, please read the following article: What can I do if I cannot read the patch? If you need further assistance, please contact our techn...

  • What can I do if I cannot read the patch?

    Firstly, please make sure that you are holding your phone correctly and that you know where your NFC antenna is located. You will find instructions here: How do I find the NFC-antenna on my phone? ...

  • How accurate is STEADYTEMP®?

    The patch measures with an accuracy of less than 0.1°C degrees and is, therefore, more accurate than any analog or digital thermometer. One advantage is that the patch always sits in the same place...

  • Who can use STEADYTEMP®?

    STEADYTEMP® can be used both at home in families, in elderly care and in professional settings (e.g. hospitals). It is intended for use on individuals over the age of 5. We recommend a minimum age ...

  • Does the patch emit radiation?

    No. Unlike other products on the market which use Bluetooth for their data transfer, the STEADYTEMP® patch does not emit any radiation. STEADYTEMP® uses NFC for the data transfer. Not only is th...

  • How can I communicate with the patch?

    Open the STEADYTEMP® app. Press "Read Patch" (if it is a new patch you will see a tutorial). Place your phone with the NFC antenna directly on the patch. Hold in position for several seconds and d...

  • What symptoms can I add in the entries?

    You can track a variety of symptoms with the STEADYTEMP® app: allergic reaction breathing difficulties chills confusion cough dizzy drowsiness febrile seizure headcold heart palpations vomiting st...

  • What types of pain can I track with the STEADYTEMP® app?

    You can add a variety of pain types in the STEADYTEMP® app: headache stomach ache muscle pain joint pain back pain chest pain